sexta-feira, 20 de maio de 2011

loucura na dinamarca

"Many of our clients want traditional donors of at least 1.80 meters and blue eyes,''says the director of Nordic Cryobank, Peter Bower, while displaying the collection of semen donors of the company.
Watch the video
To narrow the search, customers eliminate men who are above or below a certain weight. By paying a fee, they click on the candidate profile and make the download a photo of the donor when he was a baby.

Fertility clinic in Denmark uses bicycle-shaped sperm The clinic staff also provide a short written description or details about the potential donor. One example, says Bower, is whether "he liked to talk in the lab after making the donation or who dresses well and is very interested in this or that kind of music.''
But none of the information provided to identify the individual, unless he chooses to be identified.
In Denmark, the donation of sperm does not need to be accompanied by the donor's name and phone number - unlike what happens in the UK and a growing number of European countries.
The option of anonymity has made Denmark a mecca for foreign women who want to become pregnant by artificial insemination, and made the country there is no shortage of semen officially examined and tested.
Danish insemination clinics that offer have three main types of customers: lesbian couples, heterosexual couples and single women. It is this last category the fastest growing.
Bower says that British women are "the vanguard" 'this service, but the demand by foreigners, in general, is strong.
According to data from the Department of Health of Denmark, in 2008, 2,694 foreign women were the Danish cities of Aarhus and Copenhagen in search of insemination. In 2010, that number rose to 4,665.
As part of a curious marketing strategy and promotion, samples are taken from the sperm bank to the fertility clinic - called the Stork Clinic - on a journey through the Danish capital, on a bicycle in the shape of sperm.
Frozen in liquid nitrogen, samples are stored in the spherical head of the sperm in front of the handlebars.
The facilities of the clinic represent the pinnacle of chic style of Danish design. "We want women to feel like queens," said the head nurse of the clinic, Lilian Joergensen, pointing to a Crown timber located above the bed where you do the insemination.
"We try to provide an atmosphere of tranquility that will leave guests with good memories about where the story began their babies. On some days we can make up to 17 inseminations, but the important thing is to devote the time and attention to each woman,''account the nurse.
"We heard her story, your problems, take your mind into account. It is not acceptable for her to be just another number in our record. She comes here and uses this room as you would your own room you can bring friends, candles, which she wants.''
At his residence in New Malden, south London, the British Kellie Lombard and his partner tell how the Danish experience was a success.
Kellie had been undergoing expensive treatments, but unsuccessful, the United Kingdom and South Africa
The couple became aware of the treatment by the Danish internet and now has a prosperous family, with two "mothers", two identical twins with almost five months old and a girl of two years. The biological father is the same man Danish anonymous.
Kellie usually play against the criteria they chose to find a father. "Initially, we were looking for a David Beckham, but also wanted someone who had academic qualifications.''
Surprisingly, they have lots of information about the biological father of her children: age, weight, the fact that he is a student of medicine and how it looks.
They also know the sound of his voice, they heard an audiotape in which he explains why he was making a donation. His primary motivation was financial. And they thought it sounded like a "good person".
Kellie admits that his is not a typical family. When she takes her daughter to look Scandinavian to the park, people ask if "Daddy" it is very high. She replies that he has only 1.93 meters tall.
If this new trend of insemination gain even more strength, the Nordic genes may spread further than many would imagine.

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